Wednesday, April 27, 2022 Let's Talk Podcasting!

The world of podcasting has experienced phenomenal growth in recent years!.But how long will it last? Does podcasting have a future? If you have a pod...

Wednesday, April 13, 2022 Being Man Enough

Many men struggle with what it means to "be a man". But can the faces we wear to appear to be "man enough" actually be masks hiding issues underneath...

Wednesday, March 30, 2022 Become Unmuted

What if your trauma could become your triumph? What if the first step was to simply stop trying to hide it? Altovise Pelzer joins us to tell us we can...

Wednesday, March 30, 2022 Become Unmuted

What if your trauma could become your triumph? What if the first step was to simply stop trying to hide it? Altovise Pelzer joins us to tell us we can...

Wednesday, March 16, 2022 Back To Life with Daniel Reyes

After spending several weeks in an "End Of Life Room", Daniel was determined to make significant changes to his health. He shares his journey with us,...

Thursday, March 10, 2022 Welcome To Voluntary Input

Never forced. Never coerced. Open discussions about things in life that matter to you most. Questions, comments, show ideas? Or would you like to be a...

Wednesday, March 2, 2022 Moving Forward with William Adams

When we speak about equality, the conversation is almost always centered around pay. We tend to talk about how women still earn roughly 84% of what me...

Wednesday, February 23, 2022 Keep It Social with Syed Ashmal ur Rehman

Syed Ashmal ur Rehman (@AshmalurRehman) joins us to talk about the importance of maintaining a social media presence, and how Social Champ (@SocialCha...

Saturday, January 29, 2022 From Surviving To Thriving with Jenna Ashlyn

Author Jenna Ashlyn shares how she went form Surviving to Thriving, and how you can too! WARNING: This episode contains material that may be upsetting...

Friday, January 21, 2022 It's All Coming Together

More big gaming news from Microsoft, Block to start mining Bitcoin. and Musk gives Dogecoin an 18% boost. Be sure to visit https://voluntaryinput.com ...

Wednesday, January 5, 2022 Understanding China With Jason Szeftel

With a historic tapestry woven with turmoil, peace, mystery, and beauty, it is now all but demonized in the U.S. - primarily on the political stage. B...

Saturday, December 25, 2021 Merry Christmas From Voluntary Input!

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas filled with love and cherished memories! Be sure to visit https://voluntaryinput.com to subscribe, learn more, con...

About The Show

Never forced. Never coerced. Open discussions about things in life that matter to you most. Questions, comments, show ideas? Or would you like to be a guest on the show? 

Select Contact, feel free to email voluntaryinput@voluntaryinput.com, or select Register as a Guest - we are always looking for great guests like you!

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Voluntary Input is produced and hosted by Leo Allen. Visit his website for more! - Leo J. Allen Jr.

Voluntary Input is an RSS.com podcast - Visit Us Here!

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on 9/29/2021

Leo and Adam are all original and this is one of my favorite podcasts!
view on Apple Podcasts

on 8/14/2021

Leo and Adam have some great conversations about technology, science, economics and life. I’ve learned a lot in just a few episodes, give them a try. Plus their intro really slaps.
view on Apple Podcasts

on 6/6/2021

I've gotten to know Leo over the last year and also checked out his show. Always nice hearing a show with geniune discussions yet also have no problem respectfully disagreeing on things. Good show.
view on Apple Podcasts

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